Importance of Routine Pediatric Eye Exams

A vision screening in school can identify the existence of a vision problem or a potential vision problem in your child. Depending on the findings, a referral will be made for further evaluation. But due to limited testing and inadequate equipment, a sight test cannot be relied on to provide you with the same results as a comprehensive eye and vision examination. Here are the reasons why a routine pediatric eye exam is important:


It Helps with Academic Success. 

According to the American Optometric Association, one in five preschool kids in the United States suffers from vision issues. By the time these children enter school, one in four will require corrective lenses. The first six years of your child is a critical development period. This is a period when so much development occurs, including vision changes. As you may already know, every kid faces increasing demands on their visual capacity with each educational achievement level. Studies show that approximately 80 percent of learning relies on vision. If left untreated, the vision problem will likely hold your child back, taking a toll on his or her academic performance.


It Prevents Potential Misdiagnosis. 

Does your child seem fidgety or hyperactive? Does he or she not pay attention in class or look distressed by schoolwork? If so, it would seem like a no-brainer to have an attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. But these behaviors may actually be caused by vision problems. Children who have functional vision deficits commonly avoid reading. They also tend to develop negative behaviors to escape the task. For example, taking notes involve constant switching of eye focus from the board to their paper. This will be difficult for those with vision problems. There surely will be a brief time in which your child can complete his or her work before eye fatigue sets in. So, your kid will likely rush through the task. This way, he or she can avoid double vision, blurry vision, and headache. Poor attention to detail will lead them to make careless mistakes, increasing their frustration. It’s only through a comprehensive eye exam you can get an accurate diagnosis for these challenges.


It Protects from Dangerous Illnesses. 

Routine pediatric eye exams will not only identify eye conditions, such as refractive errors, misalignment, and infection. It also helps catch eye diseases early. Early diagnosis and intervention can save your child’s vision and protect them from serious eye problems like cancers of the eye. The American Academy of Ophthalmologists recommends that initial eye screening be performed in infants between six and 12 months old. Throughout their childhood, routine pediatric eye exams will be crucial in detecting abnormalities as their eyes are developing. School-aged kids also have to undergo visual screening and evaluation for ocular alignment at least once a year or two.


Has your child been showing symptoms of vision or eye health problems? You should schedule an eye exam immediately for a thorough evaluation. Contact Manheim Family Eye Care in Manheim, Pennsylvania, today to schedule your consultation. Call us now at (717) 423-8400.

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